Olympics 2012: It will be Mary Kom vs 10,001
Clean Media Correspondent
London, August 08 (CMC) In her 12-year-long career, MC Mary Kom has never lost to a boxer twice. It’s a staggering statistic, considering the bouts she has been involved in and the quality of opponents she has faced. However, the challenge she now faces is immense.
On Wednesday, she is up against Nicola Adams, a home favourite and someone who has beaten her once already. But Adams isn’t the only challenge. Kom will have to brave the 10,000 partisan British crowd.
Whenever a Briton has taken the field, the crowd has thrown its weight behind him/her. Many times, the home support has pulled the athlete over the finish line. Wednesday won’t be any different.
The noise at the arena will be equivalent to a Boeing buzzing inside it. It’ll be an atmosphere Kom hasn’t experienced here yet, having been the crowd’s darling so far. Is Kom still strong enough mentally to turn the crowd to her side and beat the ‘favourite’?
Kom’s coach, Charlie Atkinson, an Englishman, believes the hardships she had to endure early in her career has made her so strong, that a ‘small’ thing like crowd support won’t bother her.
“We hope there will be a few Indians who will make a lot of noise. But crowds won’t come into the ring, right?” he asks. True, but wouldn’t an intimidating atmosphere make it tough for her? “Not at all! Mentally, she is tougher than anyone in women’s boxing.”
If anyone, Atkinson reasons, it’ll affect Adams more. “She will believe she has won the bout even before entering the ring because of the crowd support.”
It’s set to be one vs 10,001. At stake? A place in an Olympic final.
Olympics 2012: It will be Mary Kom vs 10,001
Clean Media Correspondent
London, August 08 (CMC) In her 12-year-long career, MC Mary Kom has never lost to a boxer twice. It’s a staggering statistic, considering the bouts she has been involved in and the quality of opponents she has faced. However, the challenge she now faces is immense.
On Wednesday, she is up against Nicola Adams, a home favourite and someone who has beaten her once already. But Adams isn’t the only challenge. Kom will have to brave the 10,000 partisan British crowd.
Whenever a Briton has taken the field, the crowd has thrown its weight behind him/her. Many times, the home support has pulled the athlete over the finish line. Wednesday won’t be any different.
The noise at the arena will be equivalent to a Boeing buzzing inside it. It’ll be an atmosphere Kom hasn’t experienced here yet, having been the crowd’s darling so far. Is Kom still strong enough mentally to turn the crowd to her side and beat the ‘favourite’?
Kom’s coach, Charlie Atkinson, an Englishman, believes the hardships she had to endure early in her career has made her so strong, that a ‘small’ thing like crowd support won’t bother her.
“We hope there will be a few Indians who will make a lot of noise. But crowds won’t come into the ring, right?” he asks. True, but wouldn’t an intimidating atmosphere make it tough for her? “Not at all! Mentally, she is tougher than anyone in women’s boxing.”
If anyone, Atkinson reasons, it’ll affect Adams more. “She will believe she has won the bout even before entering the ring because of the crowd support.”
It’s set to be one vs 10,001. At stake? A place in an Olympic final.
Mary do it for India!