
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

2012 Pulitzer Prizes announced
2012 Pulitzer Prizes announced
Clean Media Correspondent 
Washington: April 17: (CMC)  The Philadelphia Inquirer, has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for public service. New York's Columbia University on Monday 96 th annual Pulitzer Prizes were announced. According to Xinhua News Agency, the Philadelphia Inquirer, school teachers and students to contribute to safety improvements have been awarded. The organization of the schools to prevent violence against children by children, written and video information used in crimes.Hngri American publisher Joseph Pulitzer, the award is named after. Columbia University in New York City is administering the award. The certificate to each winner - cards and cash is $ 10,000.The gold medal winner in the category of public service is.The Associated Press and Seattle Times, the Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting. States of Alabama, tuscaloosa news staff was given the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news reporting.Tuscaloosa news staff to better coverage of the storm was given the award.New York Times won for explanatory reporting and international reporting of the Pennsylvania Petriot - News Staff were given the award for local reporting. Huffington Post online publication of the national reporting award.
Coming out of Seattle weekly The Stranger "was the feature writing award. Chicago Tribune's Mary Smic the Pulitzer Prize for commentary. Boston Globe, Wesley Morris was given the Pulitzer for criticism. Editorial Cartoon Politiko the online media, while the award was not given an award for editorial writing.Agency France - Presi (AFP) Masood Husseini of the breaking news photography award. They crowded area of ​​Kabul near the shrine after bomb attacks Atmgali tens heart of a girl crying in fear that picture was taken. The Denver Post Pulitzer Prize for feature photography.Art category Kviara Elegria Huds his drama "Water by the Spoonful" for the award. Gedis John Lewis's' George F. Cannon An American Life, "the biography prize. "Life on Mars' poetry prize.

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